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1. Come prepared to class and always have all your materials.

2. Respect everyone, including yourself.

3. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged.

4. Do not get up without permission.

5. Clean your area... Even if it was not your trash. Be helpful.


If missing a day:

All material will be on the website. I will have enough copies for the class. If there are any handouts they will be given to be put in your note book.

Make up work will be accepted for up to one week after the absence.

If tardy:

Come in quietly.

Get out materials quickly.

Do NOT talk or cause a disturbance. You are already late.


Call to attention:

Count down from 5... by one there should be no talking, all mouths are closed and not making noise and eyes are on the teacher.

Being attentive in class:

Eyes on me or speaker who has the floor.

Mouths are closed if you are not the speaker.

Pencils down unless you are taking notes.


All students are allowed to go to the restroom during Homeroom, after lunch (3rd Block) and 5th Block at the end of the day.

No students are allowed out of class the first and last 15 minutes of the period to preserve instructional time.


Raise your hand and make the ASL 'R' and wait quietly.

If we are working in groups, you may quietly say the teacher's name to get her attention.


Turn your notebook in everyday for classwork grades.

The classwork notebook will not leave the classroom unless notified.


Use Rex Mill Middle School laptop procedures.

Make sure you are on task or they will be confiscated.

Return all laptops in the proper order which will be checked by Mrs. Martinez.

Turn the computers completely off upon completion of your task unless told not to do so.

Plug them back in to be charged.

If you need help with your computer, raise your hand and wait quietly.


Phones and personal devices:

Phones and/or devices will only be out when instructed to do so.

If phones or devices are out without being instructed:

1. Verbally asked to put the phone or device away.

2. Phone or device will be taken and given back at the end of the period and parents will be called.

3. Phone or device will be taken and given to the office along with a student referral.

Entering the Room

Get out all materials needed before the bell rings.

Start on the warm-up or writing activity to be done within 5 minutes of the bell ringing.

If you need a pencil get a pencil from the sharpened pencils and make sure that it gets returned at the end of class. ONCE I AM OUT OF PENCILS FOR THE YEAR THEY WILL NOT BE REPLENISHED.


Exiting the Room

          When the students hear Mr. Johnson's whistle they will have five minutes left to finish up their work.

All students will check their area and make sure that all trash in cleaned up.

All students will be seated until told to get up.

Students will push their chairs under their desks and put away all materials

Students will quietly line up at the door inside the classroom when told to do so and be released to their next class.


Half sheets to request an overall classroom grade will be available. These grades will be given back the next day.

Grades will be communicated every 2 weeks, if the student is failing, to the parents. If the student is not failing, grades will come out on grade reports.


Homework will usually consist of an assignment that was not completed in the classroom. 

All homework and assignments can be found in the assignments portion of the website.

All homework will be on Remind101 if there are assignments to be completed.

All homework will be turned in via Google Classroom unless otherwise given permission through parent/teacher communication.

If the student loses a copy then they will need to go to the website and obtain any work that is lost.

If a student forgets to do the homework they will need to do it in class to ensure that they have the proper background information for the activities in class.

All late work needs to be marked 'LATE' and turned in to the basket.

Independent Work

Independent work will either be individual, with a partner or in a group.

I fully expect students to step outside of their comfort zone and be able to work and cooperate with several different people withing their cohort.

There will be a modeled way of doing the assignment and then the students will be allowed to work in pairs if the noise level gets to be too much then they will be asked to work individually.


If the intercom comes on all students are SILENT, so as not to miss important announcements.


Students are allowed to go their lockers during Homeroom and during 5th Block to get anything they need to go home.

Students are NOT allowed to carry their book bags throughout the day. They are to be left in their lockers.

If students need to carry gym clothes and their shoes they need to bring a separate small bag for those items to take to Connections.

Students are not allowed to share lockers per the school and county handbook for safety and legal reasons.

Make up Work

The students are to obtain anything missed off of my website to ensure that they have all assignments that were missed and have a week to turn them for a grade.

Students who were present in my class will not be allowed to have make up work just because they did not feeling like working in class.

Making up an exam or test will need to be discussed with Mrs. Martinez and arrangements must be made in order to do this after school.

Paper Heading

All information must be at the top right side of the paper on the outside margins.

If the assignment is late, make up, or a re-do it needs to be the last line.

Parent Contact

Parents will be contacted at the beginning of the year for introductions and given a number and email in order to contact me.

If there are concerns they may call me at anytime. If I do not answer please allow 24 hours to return the call.

Text messaging and email contact is also acceptable or they may send an email from the website.

A log will be kept of any contact with the parents both electronically and on paper.

Anything sent home in homeroom should be immediately put in their notebook or book bag for parent review.

Remind101 will also be used to help with any assignments or other events that the parent needs to be aware of during the year.


If a student needs a pencil they will QUIETLY ask their partner.

If you still need to sharpen a pencil then the put up ASL 'P' to achieve the ability to get up and retrieve one from the sharpened pencils and replace the other pencil in a cup that states that it needs to be sharpened at the end of the day.




If the phone rings in the classroom then just like the intercom the students get silent, but keep working individually. NO STUDENT answers the phone unless told to do so.

Receiving Help

When asking for help the student needs to ask their partner to clarify. If the partner cannot assist then they will proceed to raise their hand and ask for help from the teacher.


There will be assigned seats and then students will be put in groups for the unit or lesson subject to change per unit or as the teacher sees fit to help the achievement of the class or individual student.

Small Groups

Each person will have a role in the group.

Each person will still have individual work that will need to be turned in.

The students will follow the GROUP procedures that have been gone over in class.


If the students need supplies then there will be a station where they or the groups' resource monitor will gather everything that they will need to for the project or activity to start working.

Students will need to make sure they are prepared for class everyday with their notebook and pencils and pens.


 Students are to step outside to blow their nose and make sure they get hand sanitizer after they are done.


Students are to hold all trash until the end of the class.

Nothing should be shot, thrown, or passed in the classroom.


As per school procedure, students are to wear uniform dress at all times unless instructed otherwise.

Not being in uniform dress will result in the student not being able to participate in team and school incentives.


Students get water during bathroom break times.

The students will be allowed to carry a bottle FOR WATER ONLY that closes to reduce mess.

Whole Class

Students should be quiet and respectful at all times as different people have different perspectives and opinions

Hands are to be raised with mouths silent when wanting to ask a question or add a comment to the class conversation.

Only one person needs to be talking at a time and to help with presentation purposes especially in their preparation for high school the student will be asked to stand to talk.


If visitors come into the room the student closest to the door checks who it is FIRST.

Students are not allowed to answer the door without first getting my permission.

When given the 'okay' by the teacher the student opens the door.

The students continue working quietly, not attempting to talk to the guest which causes a disturbance in class.

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