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How does the class work?

The students will be given a "playlist" everyday of tasks that they will need to complete and have either in their notebook or on the Google Drive as an assignment to turn in electronically. The classwork information will be both on this website and on the Google Classroom set up for each block. Homework when given will be either assignments that were not able to be finished in class or videos that give background information for the following day so it is essential that the students are able to watch these videos. Please have your student look at the assignments daily to ensure that they have the knowledge they need for the following day. Otherwise, it is difficult to have them get the essential application that they need in my classroom with my assistance. I do not want them to fall behind.

Is your student missing work?

You can always find out by looking here:

Mrs. Martinez's Missing Work 18-19 

The IDs are in no particular order and do not include the name for privacy. If you are having trouble viewing the sheet please let me know. If you are opening it on a phone the menu (3 dots) and go to 'Find and Replace', type in your student's ID and it will be highlighted. If you are viewing it on a computer, Type CTRL+F, type the ID and it will be highlighted.

Parent Contact

I always make every effort to answer my phone when I can. The best way to contact me is through text message or through my county email. I enjoy keeping in contact with all my parents and I encourage you to do the same to make sure that we are all on the same page for assignments, behavior and making sure that we can all achieve your student's goals this year and get them on their way to high school with a successful mindset.

Parent Contact Archives

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