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GMAS Review

Two really important documents in your life for the next six weeks.

Go over how you would answer in a constructed response using bold standards.

Read the teacher notes to better understand the information that is needed for the test.

Here you will find the notes that, I believe, are the most difficult for the students. Please have them make sure they write them down. The students have already been provided a blank copy for the notes to be written.

Civics/Government 20% (But, the most difficult)

SS8CG1 Describe the foundations of Georgia's government.

SS8CG2 Analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia.

SS8CG3 Analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia

SS8CG4 Analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia

The only thing you have to worry about here is making sure you know how each court selects their judges.

SS8CG5 Explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders

SS8CG6 Analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.

Economics 15%

SS8E1 Explain how the four transportation systems (road, air, water and rail) of Georgia contribute to the development and growth of the state's economy.

SS8E2 Evaluate the influence of Georgia-based business on the state's economic growth and development.

SS8E3 Explain the principles of effective personal money management.

geography 15%

SS8G1 Describe Georgia's geography and climate.

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